Portfolio Category: Wildlife & Habitat

Lake Sacajawea Flushing Facilities Upgrade

ELS worked on behalf of the City of Longview Public Works to complete environmental permitting for the Lake Sacajawea Flushing Facilities Upgrade project, which consisted of modifying the existing water-intake structure located on the Cowlitz River for use as a pump station to supply raw river water to the lake.  Annual lake flushing with Cowlitz…

Klineline Bridge Replacement Project

ELS was contracted by Ostrander Rock and Construction Company to facilitate the dewatering and fish removal and rescue for the Klineline Bridge Replacement Project.  The Klineline Bridge over Salmon Creek near Vancouver, Washington was to be removed after being damaged and reconstructed in 2008.  ELS worked closely with Clark County biologists and the lead contractor…

Coweeman Mitigation Bank

The Coweeman Mitigation Bank (Bank) is the first mitigation bank in Washington to offer compensatory mitigation credits for both wetland and fish habitat impacts.  The Bank encompasses approximately 300 acres, including 174 acres of old growth forest, adjoining the Coweeman River in Kelso, Washington. The general goals of the Bank project are to restore wetland…

Chehalis-Centralia Airport Approach Improvements

ELS provided wildlife and permitting services for the improvements to the Chehalis-Centralia Airport runway, which is located within State Shoreline Jurisdiction.  The current flight approach location was changed for safety reasons facilitating the need to cut down several large trees that protruded into the airspace of the realigned flight approach in accordance with FAA regulations. …

Birds Survey, Juneau AK

This project involved performing a field survey for bald eagle nests within 700ft of the proposed project area as well as dawn marbled murrelet surveys at five different stations within the 700ft buffer. Eagle nest survey was performed with a helicopter while the murrelet surveys were from the ground. ELS’ wildlife biologist coordinated trainings, field…

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