Cyle graduated from Washington State University. While attending WSU, he completed internships with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. With his passion for wildlife management, Cyle brings a unique blend of customer service expertise from the hospitality industry and private contracting. Known for excelling in detailed tasks, he is thrilled to contribute his skills at ELS, eager to utilize his degree and build professional experiences in local wildlife management.

What's your favorite way to spend a weekend or free time?

My weekends tend to start with a morning Brazilian Jui Jitsu class followed by a walk/hike with my dog.  I find myself spending time with friends in the evenings sometimes squeezing in a jam session here and there.

Do you have any favorite books, movies, or music that you're currently enjoying?

Out of the three music is by far my favorite, I love shopping for vinyl’s.  I can never nail down a favorite artist for it is always changing, but I recently saw Yussef Dayes live and it changed my whole perspective on what is possible musically.  He is an incredible drummer and composer; I highly recommend a listen.  Other favorite artists currently would include Turnstile, SAULT, and PUP.  As of late, I have been reading more comic books than books.  Main comics I’m reading currently are Spawn, Venom, and the new Transformers series.  For favorite movies, Interstellar and Without a Paddle seem to always make the top 5 list.

Are there any charitable causes or community initiatives that you're passionate about?

When I was a student at Washington State University, I was the Food Pantry Coordinator.  It was a program that could assist every student on campus and help feed their families.  The Cougar Food Pantry (CFP) will always hold a special place in my heart because I was fortunate to witness the direct impact myself and the CFP team had on people.  I hope to contribute some more time and donations to the CFP soon, for the program helped me get through college as well.

What's a memorable travel experience you've had, or a destination you dream of visiting?

My fiancé and I love to travel.  We love to experience new cultures and food, especially while traveling with friends.  Although it wasn’t very far, the most memorable travel experience as of late was our trip to Bend Oregon.  I proposed to my then girlfriend on Mt. Bachelor and we had a sunset dinner following her acceptance.  It will be a hard trip to top.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies that might surprise your colleagues?

Hmm, I am not sure on this one.  I am a huge nerd so I enjoy anything Transformers, Avatar Last Airbender, and many more. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the main current hobby, I just received my blue belt!

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