Megan graduated with a BA in Biology and a BS in Organic Chemistry. Before coming to work at ELS, she had an opportunity to do a Wild Lands Study Abroad in Queensland Australia. Studying the ecological systems of the Daintree rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef was the chance of a lifetime. Megan built ground knowledge for biological field studies, conservation, cultural studies, and ecological impacts of invasive species. Since coming to work at ELS in 2019, she has played a significant role in many wetland projects including delineations, critical areas reports, ordinary high water mark determinations, habitat assessments, field monitoring, and preparing mitigation plans. She regularly works with various regulatory agencies including the Washington Department of Ecology, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Megan’s intense focus, attention to detail, and clear communication skills are appreciated and bring real peace of mind to our clients.

If you got up at midnight for a snack, what would you eat?

Not one, but two bowls of cereal.

What do you like most about working at ELS?

The friendships, atmosphere, and the job itself. I’m a biologist for cryin’ out loud!

What is the one professional or personal skill you wish you had that you don't?

I wish I could skillfully sing and dance.

What is the worst advice you have ever been given?

“Don’t stop at that free pile.” So many missed treasures.

What is something about yourself that might surprise others?

I have an AMAZING twin brother.

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