Shawn graduated from Central Washington University with a B.S. in Geology, and joined ELS in 2020 working as a Biologist. One year later he transitioned to become one of our field technicians. While he worked as a biologist, he gained a great deal of experience with wetland delineations, and knowledge of plant species as well as invasive species. Shawn is a Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL), and routinely provides field maintenance duties on multiple riparian, mitigation, and restoration projects.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Chris Farley. That would be a hilarious conversation.

What do you like most about working at ELS?

The amount of time I get to spend outside in nature and the fun atmosphere at work.

If you woke up at midnight for a snack, what would you eat?

Ice cream has always been my late night go to. Not the best for you, but it's delicious.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

The ability to fly! No more waiting in traffic and you could take a quick vacation to just about anywhere.

What is the worst advice you have ever been given?

"Habanero peppers aren't that hot"

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