(360) 578-1371 • LONGVIEW, WA

Wildlife & Habitat


ELS offers a full range of services for addressing wildlife species and habitats at the local, state, and federal levels. ELS’ staff consists of experienced wildlife biologists who are trained and knowledgeable on a wide variety of wildlife and habitats including bird, fish, amphibian, reptile, and small mammal species.

From simple wildlife and habitat inventories to complex habitat restoration and habitat creation plans, ELS is able to assist our clients with the full scope of wildlife and habitat projects.

Our biologists can make our clients’ environmental permitting experience easier by simultaneously working on wildlife, habitat, and other environmental investigations and permits required for their projects.

Wildlife and Habitat Surveys and Inventories
  • Wildlife Identification and Assessment

    Conducting a bird survey

  • Birds
  • Amphibians
  • Fish
  • Reptiles
  • Mammals
  • Habitat Identification and Assessment
  • Botanical surveys
  • Priority habitats
  • Riparian and stream habitats
Endangered Species Act Compliance
  • Listed species and habitat research
  • On-site species evaluation
  • Federal agency consultation
  • No-effect determinations and biological assessments

    Frog egg samples collected with WDFW

State and Local Agency Compliance
  • Site evaluation and database research
  • Coordination with state and local agencies
  • Wildlife and habitat assessments
  • Wildlife and habitat management plans

ELS has years of experience in complying with the Endangered Species Act for federal permits or funded projects and preparing no-effect letters, biological assessments, and biological evaluations.  Our wildlife and habitat services also include general wildlife and habitat inventories, wildlife and habitat assessments and management plans, and developing plans to restore, enrich, or create habitat for protected species. We can also assist our clients in the implementation, management, monitoring, and maintenance of habitat projects to comply with regulations and aid in the success of the habitat plan.




Recent Wildlife & Habitat Projects

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