ELS was contract by MacKay Sposito on behalf of the City of Ridgefield for permitting and constructing approximately 2,000 linear feet of the Gee Creek Trail from Abrams Park to Heron Drive. Gee Creek Trail is a component of the City of Ridgefield’s interconnected park, trail, and greenway system. ELS biologists delineated critical areas within a 300-foot corridor on either side of the trail location, which included the northern ordinary high-water mark of Gee Creek and multiple wetlands. Project documents prepared by ELS included a wetland delineation report, wetland buffer mitigation plan, a SEPA checklist, and a shoreline narrative and associated documents for a Substantial Development Permit and Shoreline Variance. ELS staff worked closely with the project engineer throughout the permitting process and provided input on the trail design to minimize project impacts.
(360) 578-1371 • LONGVIEW, WA