Pigeon Springs Fish Removal

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ELS was contacted by C&R Tractor and Landscaping on behalf of Lewis County Public Works in 2019 to assist with the Pigeon Springs culvert replacement project. ELS completed a Temporary Stream Diversion Plan in coordination with C&R Tractor that was then approved by Lewis County Public Works Department. The purpose of the plan was to design the diversion of flow throughout the work area to maintain suitable conditions for aquatic life while they are being removed. ELS then installed fish block nets upstream and downstream of the work area and then performed aquatic life removal in coordination with Lewis County Public Works Department environmental staff and the contractor while they installed the stream diversion. Fish removal and stream diversion were completed following guidance from the Hydraulic Project Approval from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Fish Exclusion Protocols and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Guidelines for Electrofishing. A full report of the work completed with spreadsheets of aquatic life removed from the work area were provided to the contractor and Lewis County Public Works Department.

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