Portfolio Tag: environmental consultant

Port of Bremerton 5-year Maintenance

The Port of Bremerton hired ELS for general permit development for maintenance at Port facilities. This involves acquiring permits for a 10-year maintenance program for Port facilities including a Nationwide Permit, HPA, and local jurisdiction permits/shoreline exemptions. The facilities include two boat ramps, two marinas, and a pier that are located within the jurisdiction of…

Kalama Elementary Delineation & Kalama Elementary/Middle School SEPA

ELS was contracted by the Kalama School District in 2018 to determine the extent of jurisdictional wetlands and waters within a school expansion area, north and south of their existing school complex. ELS delineated one wetland, one stream, and mapped several non-jurisdictional ditches. A determination report was written and included methods, field results, map of…

Haydu Park

ELS biologists provided mitigation installation oversight for the Haydu Community Park wetland mitigation site south of Norris Pit Road and Kalama River Road. The Park, which was constructed in 2014-2015, impacted riverine and depressional wetland buffers. ELS biologists continue to conduct the annual mitigation monitoring and reporting.  

Juneau Wetland Management Plan Update

ELS biologists, teamed with Bosworth Botanical Consulting (BBC) and Dr. Paul Adamus, performing the Juneau Wetland’s Management Plan Update. This wetland mapping and inventory used the WESPAK-SE to rapidly assess and characterize priority wetlands for the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ), as well as some privately owned lands within CBJ. ELS was responsible for…

Gold Street Wetland Delineation

ELS was contracted by the City of Centralia to delineate a 14 acre forested floodplain wetland. ELS conducted field work mapping wetlands and streams. Wetland delineation was performed using the Routine Determination Method according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and wetlands were categorized according to the Washington State Wetlands Rating System for Western…

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